Monday, July 6, 2015


As the days go by and a new semester approaches, I would like to encourage everyone reading this to MAKE YOUR NEXT, YOUR BEST. Sometimes we can get discouraged in school if we didn’t do well in a class. It doesn’t matter if you are a Transfer student, a Graduate students, a freshman student, or if you are in the Doctoral Program.  No one is perfect, and sometimes it seems our best is not enough. For any potential freshmen reading this, maybe you feel as if you could have done better in high school and you are really beating yourself up about it. To all the other students, maybe you feel like your last semester wasn’t very strong academic wise. I want to tell you today that none of that matter anymore. It’s a new day, it’s a new dawn, and you have a new chance to make your grades better. There may be a class that you really struggled with. I just want to say that your struggles of today are for the victories of tomorrow.

With that being said, we have an awesome Academic Resource Center filled with highly qualified educators ready and willing to assist with any subject you may have trouble with academically. Our team of professionals is here to reach out to you when you are lost, and at no extra cost. I strongly suggest and encourage everyone to take advantage of our Academic Resource Center.

So for this next semester, break old and bad study habits.  Keep pushing to be better than your best. If you got a bad grade last semester don’t let it keep you down or discourage you. Just know that greater is coming. Grades are important; however, at the end of the day what’s even more important will be the KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM you take away from the course. At the end of the day a grade is a letter. It is not a qualifier, nor is it an employer, nor is it a skill. Grades and test determine obedience. One bad grade won’t hurt you, but don’t make a habit of it. My point is to not get discouraged over a bad grade, but to keep pushing. BE ENCOURAGED!