Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Hello everyone,

The clock is now ticking. The time is coming for you all to choose what University you will go to. It's time for some confirmations. If you have not done so already, and you plan to go to GSU,  please confirm your admission to GSU. The fall semester is quickly approaching us and I want to make sure that everyone is confirmed and ready to start a new journey in the fall.

A lot of people tell me they are scared to confirm a college. Many people would like for their first college to be their last. Many are scared because of new challenges that may come. I just want to say to everyone reading this that these fears are normal. Anytime you are about to start something great fear will rise up with an agenda to stop your progress. Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game! It may be a scary storm, but I promise, if you go through that storm you will find a rainbow on the other side. I say this because you have to go THROUGH before you can get TO. You have to go through a season of fear before you get to courage, you have to go through the storms in life, before you get to the sunshine and rainbows, and you have to go through the grinding before you can get to the smooth.

For some of you reading this, it may be your first time going away and being away from home, but please listen to me. "Sometimes you have to GO, so that you can GROW." My whole point that I am trying to get across to you all is to not let fear get you down, or keep you from making a decision. 

With that being said, I would just like you to think about a few things when you are making your confirmation. Think about if it's a good fit for you. Will the atmosphere around you help you grow? Also think about the opportunities the school has, and what the school can do for you. 

In addition, think about if it's the "popular choice," or the "smart choice." By "popular choice" I mean is it a school all of your friends are going to and that has a lot of parties. By "smart choice" I mean a choice that effects you as a student in a positive manner. A choice that is good for you to grow. You want to make sure you are in a place where you make friends that will make you SOAR and not make you SORE.    

I considered all this when making my decision. I didn't  know GSU was an option for me. College for me was always desired, but unexpected. The thing that really pushed me to go to GSU was the awesome support systems and family like atmosphere. Everyone knows everyone at GSU and they treat you like you are their own flesh and blood. The opportunities were endless for me at GSU. They asked me what I would like to do in life, and I said music. They gave me a stage to play on, and showed me how to orchestrate contracts, and work the business side of music.

So now IT'S TIME! MAKE THOSE CONFIRMATIONS. Although, I wish to see you all at Governors State University, I wish you the best of luck in life even if you choose another school. I can speak on behalf of The GSU FAMILY when I say if anything ever happens, "the door is always open." GOOD LUCK! CONFIRMATION TIME!

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